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MoB Capital Pvt Ltd was born out of the need to provide real financial solutions with the aim to create entrepreneurs that will solve the ills of the community. A community is defined by the challenges it faces and the urge in solving these challenges define a society has seen the birth of the institution in the areas of micro finance as this far reaching to the community.
MoB Capital has deliberately decided to usher in this culture to the grassroots were most challenges are. Only when communities attain financial freedom can they bring out their ubuntu and celebrate their individual uniqueness for the betterment of their surroundings for future generations to cherish.
In an era where the new generation is being blamed of not doing justice to perpetuating prosperity legacy MoB Capital wouldn't have come at a better time to demystify financial freedom and bring back prosperity .
All in the quest to moulding future business leaders through the crafting of optimal financial packages and eventually a better community.
MoB Capital will not recognise the right of poverty to exist in our communities and thus our commitment to finding sustainable financial solution to our specific challenges in our communities. That being said though we will not dwell on the poverty aspect of things but on the solutions side as we believe too much dwelling on poverty leads to poverty.
MoB Capital Philosophy
Financial Freedom
Explore: look for solutions
Dream: Dreams do come true, dream about solutions
Discover: Challenges are unique. Discover what works for you. Once one explores, dreams and discovers what works for them then they have to stick to that formula as MoB Capital believes communities are improved by our way of life#culture. MoB Capital is selling culture appreciation in financial solutions for a better community and a better tomorrow by looking at sustainable , user-friendly , environmental friendly operations.
MoB: The name is derived from an old Nambya folklore in which two folk heroes MoBe and BoBo (MoB) were idolized for their business approach to cattle and small livestock ranching skills in a very dry region of Hwange. To the community they became the icons of rising above challenges and making the best out of a seemingly hopeless situation.In this small village west of Zimbabwe how rich you were was measured by the number of mango trees in your yard so the MoBe/BoBo(MoB) phenomena was total financial emancipation to be copied and replicated in the entire region .This became a symbol of financial freedom which became the Philosophy for MoB Capital.
Black symbolizes the Afro centric ownership structure of the corporation. It is an all African owned business with an African approach to solving community challenges.
Canary Yellow/Gold: The canary gold symbolizes all that glitters is gold. "Igolide liligugu" gold is precious. Golden solutions for specific challenges for the community is what MoB Capital provides to those seeking financial solutions with the organization
Yellow: Associated with honey. Extracting honey could be dangerous but sweet is the honey when one is successful so are communities challenges which are painful but solutions usher in a sense of belonging and purpose to the betterment of the respective society.
Red: Like a scout's motto be prepared for all sorts of challenges that the community has. It's a warning of uniqueness of challenges that communities experience and there is no one size fits all solution to challenges due to difference in cultures on the ground.
White: It's an image of starting anew. Once a business solution is derived we believe the community starts afresh on a clean slate and strive for a community of milk and honey which is symbolized by gold and white in a predominantly Afro centric society.
The Black Diamond which is rare and the diamond shape at all angles is the strength of MoB Capital's financial solutions to the communities.
Black Diamonds are rare so is the uniqueness of MoB Capital financial diagnosis and prescriptions. We pride ourselves in robust and smart solutions tailor made for a respective challenge in the community.
The angle the diamond is cut is the acuteness of precision and in depth understanding of clients' financial challenges as accorded by MoB Capital.
The building blocks is the solid foundation that MoB Capital impresses on any business/individual that will be touched by its tentacles of unique provision of financial solutions.
"som i serem" Spanish for we are and we will be. This is MoB Capital's total confirmation on our commitment to providing relevant financial solutions first time, all the times, now and in the future for the communities.
The middle white orifice in the earthly perceived stronger rare black diamond is a little prayer that puts the Almighty God above everything else including MoB Capital's optimum financial solutions. It is the humbling fact that we are mortal human beings hence the faith in the Almighty.